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Learning Trust

Our Mission: Building relationships and long-term resources to grow brighter kids

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Building a better future

The Birkenhead Primary School Learning Trust is a charitable trust established in 2010 to develop a capital fund, supporting the long-term financial well-being of the school. The Learning Trust enables the school to build on its reputation for excellence and a strong sense of community. Its establishment brings together people who want to invest in the future.

The Learning Trust works independently of, but closely wth, the school's Board.  The Learning Trust funds are invested in secure bank deposits and annual income from Learning Trust accounts is offered to the school's Board to support learning within the school.  The Board is ideally placed to identify needs and recommend projects for Learning Trust funds, reflecting the goals of the Learning Trust.

The focus of the Trust is to grow a sustainable base, from which we can fund ongoing contributions to student learning in perpetuity. This means donors can be assured that their contributions will count. Since 2014 the Learning Trust has also received agreed annual contributions from the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to support growth of the Learning Trust fund.

Financial Targets

We currently have over $64,000 in our bank account – thank you to all those who have contributed!  As a result, we have started making contributions for special resources for Science, Discovery, and Music. The capital fund will remain invested in secure bank deposits, supporting the school into the future. Please click here to read our latest chairperson report.


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